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Amista Vineyards

Vicky Farrow
October 17, 2024 | Sparkling Moments in Wine | Vicky Farrow

Panic to Partnership: The Story of Launching Amista

Learning the Significance of Relationships and Community…

George Christie Managing First Amista Video
George Christie (right) managing the first Amista video

…in the world of wine.

As we celebrate our 20th anniversary, I'm excited to share a series of short weekly posts that take you behind the scenes, revealing memorable moments that have shaped our journey at Amista Vineyards.

A Chance Meeting

In early 2004, I found myself in a panic. We had two harvests' worth of wine aging in barrels, and it was time to think about bottling. But my late husband Mike and I were clueless about where to begin. We needed bottles, corks, capsules, and labels, but had no idea how to procure them.

That’s when I met George.

I attended a meeting of the Winegrowers of Dry Creek Valley, a local trade organization for our region's growers and wineries. George, the president of the board, was giving an update. His presence and insights immediately impressed me. After the meeting, I introduced myself and discovered that he was also the general manager of a local winery.

I shared our story—that Mike and I were launching Amista, a new winery in Dry Creek Valley. I also happened to mention that my day job was as an executive coach and leadership consultant. George replied, “I could use an executive coach.” A lightbulb went off in my head.

How About a Trade?

“What would you think about a trade?” I suggested. “You help us navigate the complexities of starting a winery, and I’ll be your executive coach.” He agreed on the spot.

George jumped into action immediately, which I would come to learn is just his way. He guided us on where to buy glass (the industry term for bottles), and connected us with suppliers for corks and capsules, and a printer for our labels. Little did he know that what he was doing for us would later evolve into his own sophisticated business venture.

Meanwhile, I kicked off our coaching partnership by conducting a 360-feedback process. This involves gathering anonymous feedback from an executive’s colleagues to identify areas for growth. The results shaped George’s development plan, which became the foundation of our coaching sessions.

From Panic to Partnership

Over the next several months, George provided invaluable advice. He helped us strategize the sale of grapes we didn’t plan to use for Amista and decide whether to replant some struggling Chardonnay vines. He advised on choosing a location for our winery, obtaining a use permit from the county, and even launching tasting parties to introduce our first wines. He also connected us with our first consulting winemaker and a wine broker and managed our first video shoot (pictured  above).

With George’s guidance, we progressed from brainstorming on yellow legal pads in our living room to using spreadsheets to manage production planning. He stood by us through the grueling process of securing our use permit and brainstorming creative ways to market our wine without a tasting room. Once we received the permit, he helped us design and outfit the tasting room and even hired and trained our first team.

Harvest Celebration - A Memorable Weekend of Learning and Friendship

George Christie Explaining When to Harvest Grapes to Amista Vintage Partners
George Christie (center) explaining how to decide when to harvest wine grapes

One of our most memorable experiences was our Harvest Celebration, a weekend-long event we created for friends who had invested in our first vintage. The festivities included a wine reception, vineyard workshop, barrel tastings, and a magical dinner under the harvest moon. George played a key role in designing the weekend, teaching our guests how to determine the perfect time to harvest grapes, and answering their many questions. This event not only celebrated our new venture but also deepened the bonds within our community of supporters.

The Wine World is All About Connections

We’ve had many people support us over our 20 years since launching Amista, but George Christie was one of the most pivotal. Today, he is known as the founder and CEO of Wine Industry Network, a leading resource for wine business services, events, connections, and education. We are incredibly fortunate and grateful to have experienced George’s expertise, passion, and vision during our early days.

What we got was a sneak peek of the incredible work he does today: bridging the gap between producers and suppliers, championing the wine industry, and educating others on the latest trends and innovations. Our journey wouldn’t have been the same without him.

Still Thirsty?

What is Wine Industry Network?

What is 360 Degree Feedback?


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