One of the most precious things about living and working in the midst of a vineyard is witnessing the ever-changing splendor of the seasons. It’s easy to take it for granted—until a friend visits and sees it with fresh eyes. My dear friend Miriam, who visits often from my home state of Colorado, never fails to remind me of the magic. Every time she steps onto the back porch, she opens her arms wide, takes in the view, and simply says, “This. This.”
After the rains of winter, the vineyard starts to come alive in March with its shades of green, mustard, rainbows and blossoms. As we get ready to turn the page from February to March, I’d like to share some images from over the last ten years at Amista Vineyards.
Looking back at these moments from the past ten years, I’m reminded of how lucky I am to call this place home. The vineyard is never the same from one season—or even one day—to the next, and that’s part of its magic. As March unfolds once again, bringing fresh greens, golden mustard, and the promise of another growing season, I’m grateful for the beauty that surrounds me and for the many friends like Miriam who remind me to pause and take it all in. I hope these images bring a little of that magic to you as well.
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